diving into The unknown

One of the most debilitating tendencies some of us have is that we resist change. We like to feel comfortable, keep things as they are, and somehow only invite predictable experiences into our lives. There seems to be a negative association with surprises and unexpected turns of events. We would have likely developed this association due to inevitable experiences of sudden loss, disease, or accidents in our immediate environment. As children, most of us have experienced a death in the family and besides feeling our own pain of that loss, we also observed how it impacted our loved ones. Somehow, after every intense experience in life, it seems like we lost yet another fraction of our enthusiasm for life.
However, this is not the only possible result after facing challenges in life. We can shift from a loss of enthusiasm for life to an exponential increase in our enthusiasm. One key to achieve this, is that we have to truly and fully process our feelings when we suffer loss or trauma, however small or insignificant. When we feel and heal all the feelings surrounding the intense events in our lives, we remain integrated and we actually become more capable of dealing with future challenges in life. Our metaphysical muscle of resilience is being strengthened, so it is no longer needed to worry about possible future events because we trust ourselves to be capable of facing every known or unknown challenge.n’ way of feeling and integrating without getting lost in a story that we have attached to the feelings.
However, this is not the only possible result after facing challenges in life. We can shift from a loss of enthusiasm for life to an exponential increase in our enthusiasm. One key to achieve this is that we have to truly and fully process our feelings when we suffer loss or trauma, however small or insignificant. When we feel and heal all the feelings surrounding the intense events in our lives, we remain integrated and we actually become more capable of dealing with future challenges in life. Our metaphysical muscle of resilience is being strengthened, so it is no longer needed to worry about possible future events because we trust ourselves to be capable of facing every known or unknown challenge.
Another key to achieving this shift is to change our perspective: from being a victim of our circumstances to being the creator of our lives. Even when we are facing massive challenges, it is possible to practice our trust that a higher part of our being has chosen to experience this. With that shift of perception, our energy doesn’t get drained into the bottomless well of the ‘why me?’ or ‘poor me’ repetitive victim-cycles. Instead, the energy can be used to learn and grow from every single challenge that life presents us with. While we stop the mental cycles of regurgitating thoughts, we do continue to fully feel and heal the unprocessed emotions connected to the life-events. It then becomes a ‘clean’ way of feeling and integrating without getting lost in a story that we have attached to the feelings.
When these keys have been implemented and practiced thoroughly, we no longer need to approach life in a controlling way. Instead, we can have an attitude towards life that welcomes everything. That doesn’t mean we let people and circumstances walk all over us. Clear and healthy boundaries can be a wise response to what life presents us with. It means that we don’t have to walk around in fear and in a state of contraction. When we decide to trust and believe that we are the creators of our lives, and we are willing to take responsibility for all our challenges, we are then also capable of consciously manifesting the life we desire.
We also become aware of our co-creative power in the collective consciousness. Even though single-handedly we are not capable of stopping wars, poverty, and global pollution, we each have a unique piece of the puzzle to offer and collectively we would be able to change the way we live on the planet. We find a balance between consciously manifesting and letting life unfold itself. Our higher self, our ancestors, and light beings are guiding us while we are navigating our life-experiences. Also, astrological forces and ‘false light’ multi-dimensional beings are influencing our reality. We are invited to develop our discernment about which advice and support to trust and which ones to reject.
The times we live in today are guaranteed to offer an intense ride for all individuals that are alive on the planet at this time. With the planetary and collective frequencies continuously rising, suppressed and hidden patterns and information is forced to the surface much like worms coming up when the ground gets shaky. It is a massive cleansing process, a global detox, and we can ride the waves of intensity with the right tools and guidance. Instead of seeing these unfoldings as a major drama that we wish we could escape from, we might also be able to approach it with childlike curiosity, and an attitude of being on a treasure hunt.