support & guidance

We offer online video-support to help you navigate your journey of healing and expansion. Nobody can ‘do the work’ for you, but receiving guidance can be effective and sometimes necessary during the most challenging stages of your journey. Especially when you feel stuck in one or more areas of your life, or if certain patterns keep repeating themselves, getting a third-party perspective can offer clarity. We remain blind to our blind spots until someone can point them out to us.

During the sessions, you are guided by Irma. As a coach, her gift is to naturally cut through masks and illusions. When she connects with you, she can feel when you are being authentic in yourself and in your words, and when you are not. She can reflect this back to you in a clear and calm way. This effectively assists in navigating the process of your journey. The aim of her sessions is to help you find and improve your inner tools, so you can continue on your journey independently.

  • We always start with an introduction session of 30 minutes. That offers the space to feel if there is resonance and to establish an intention and goal for the next session(s). We make an inventory of where you are at in your expansion journey and which approach or type of support could be helpful for you at this time. 
  • We offer 90-minute deep-dive sessions. During these sessions, we take a close look at your well-being on a physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual level. We find out where disbalance starts, and investigate your mental and emotional patterns. We look at how you relate to yourself, to others, and to circumstances in your life. Depending on where you are in your journey, we look at emotional scars and shadows. The aim always is to release destructive patterns and illusions and to establish a healthy foundation within yourself. You can then build an effortless and fulfilling relationship with yourself and life itself, filled with compassion, healthy boundaries, and clear intentions. 

The sessions are donation based. If you have any questions or if you wish to schedule a session, please email us at